Dear fellow American and fellow citizen at the news media…please hear my plea for a debate as an Independent candidate for president in this press release…for the most good of the common good of the United States of America…more solutions to problems is great for our nation…
My name is Benjamin Stewart I'm a write in candidate for president in the United States of America. I am running as an independent…I ran in the constitution party and made it to the national stage, being nominated I lost but I have left my name in the hat just in case the Electoral College and God performs a miracle and somehow I get elected…
As an independent candidate for president I want to call a press conference and announce and confront every other presidential candidate for debate so the ideas of all of us will be heard and the best ideas will be used by the future president to the benefit of the people of the United States of America…as intended by our founding Fathers who sought the most good for the common good of all men.
I need the help of the media to get these ideas out there and to provide a platform or to call me and we can at least do a zoom meeting with all of us on the Internet on my website I have 21 questions we could all use those questions and I'll come together with our answers and let the American people hear the best ideas from all politicians that think they are qualified to be president… for the most good and the common good of all men.
On a personal note, I do a daily devotion and have been publishing my devotions in a video or blog on my website and face book page called Ben Stewart and Christian Devotional by Wellsaid. I believe Christianity is my politics Jesus is my God and I am to be tolerant of other religions seeking my neighbor's best good…I believe in don’t ask don’t tell…I believe it is wrong to have children questioned about their gender…adults can make their own decision…but I believe what Jesus said those that are whole do not need a doctor…don’t cut off working parts…mutilating children is wrong…
Please see 21 Presidential Debate Questions:
Christianity is my politics I believe in: Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Racial Justice, Limited Government, A Fiscal Conservative, National Security, Equal Opportunity not income equality, Traditional Values, Immigration Reform, Free Market, Healthcare, Individual Liberties Right , and many other topics discussed. Please visit for more information…